Sunday, March 13, 2011

2012 ... coming soon

It's only 3 months since I last blog, it seems a lot had happened in 2011, personally and around the world. Personally, I went through some ups and downs. My work had been crazy for the last few weeks and occupying most of my time. The other portion of me is dealing with a broken relationship. I am glad to be where I am today. I am dealing one day at a time and appreciate what I have. I know I could not make it without GREAT support from my friends and family. There is one person that I really want to thank for. Without this person, I will not know where I get the strength and support and :-) . I felt that she is an amazing and simple person. Thank you !

Around the globe, we have:
  1. Political unrest in the Arab world (Egypt, Yemen, Libya...). Dictators will not stay long as leader and people will lose their patience soon. These incidents are causing the oil price to sky rocket.
  2. Natural disaster one after another. Earthquake in New Zealand and the recent 8.9 magnitude quake in land of rising sun (Japan). What happen? 2012 coming soon...
  3. Economic situation does seem to showing sign of recovery, with the latest happening I don't know.....

What I know is : I am going to appreciate what I have today and make today a good day and tomorrow a better day !


  1. 2012...definitely will come after 2011...but we have 2013 comes after 2012 and so on... hehe :P
    Ppl saying live life to fullest! I guess you are living your life to fullest when you appreciate every moment of your life.
    Sometimes we are given very challenging situation to handle with like natural disaster or havoc caused by men. But one day we will know we actually being taught to appreciate...
    p/s: if she is good you should hire her as your personal assistant :P

  2. Yes I have hired her as my personal assistant!
