Friday, December 31, 2010


Wishing every one a bless New Year 2011. Hopefully 2011 will be another good year. It's a good time to reflect back what happen in 2010 and make amendments and corrective actions not to repeat the same thing moving forward in 2011. Whatever happened in 2010 cannot be undo. There is reason for everything that happen. No need to regret. Let's move forward and learn the past lesson. So let's make 2011 a GREAT year.

My 5 resolutions in 2011:
  1. Restore back my relationship with my family and friends.
  2. Reading books that had been collecting dust.
  3. Run my first full marathon.
  4. Climb the highest mountain in South East Asia (Mt. Kinabalu).
  5. Enrolling for a post graduate course (its always my dream to attend my own convocation).
and off course make more money than 2010.

Happy New Year 2011 !


  1. Ops, seems I have the same resolution number 2!
    Well, besides the number 2, maybe my resolutions should read as follows:
    1. Slow down and appreciate more my simple life.
    3. Find back motivation and passion in work.
    4. Start all over again a relationship that bring more joys than tears. I think I deserve it!
    5. Braces, braces, braces!
    Wish me luck my friend.

  2. Yes I wish you luck ! I am sure you can achieve your resolutions this year. I wander if I can help on any of your resolutions :P...
